EPD/EPDM Chemical name Ethylene propylene copolymer, or a terpolymer with a diene Abbreviation EPM, EPDM

Physical properties

EPDM has a fair tensile strength and excellent resistance to weathering and ozone, and chemical attack. They also exhibit excellent electrical insulation properties. Peroxide cured elastomers exhibit excellent heat ageing

  • Standard color : Black
  • Recommended for:
    • Alcohols
    • Automotive brake fluids
    • Dilute acids & dilute alkalis
    • Ketones
    • Silicone oils & greases
    • Steam (up to 400° F, 204° C)
    • Water
  • Not Recommended for:
    • Aliphatic & aromatic hydrocarbons
    • Di-ester based lubricants
    • Petroleum oils
Compound No. Hardness SPEC
EP0B4002 EP40 3BA410 A14 B13 F17
EP5004 EP50 M4AA510 A13 B13 C12 EA14 F17
EP0E5501P EP55 PC M4CA510 A25 B35 C32 EA14 F19 Z1:Comperession Set :35% MAX Z2:55¡Ó5
EP6011 EP60 M4AA610 A13 B13 C12 EA14 F17
EP6001O EP60 PC M4CA610 A25 B35 C32 EA14 F19
EP0E6501S EP65 M4AA610 A14 B13 C12 EA14 F17 Z Z1:65+-5
EP6566 EP65 NSF61 M4AA610 A13 B13 C12 EA14 F17 Z=65 +-5 DUROMETER NSF 61/ FDA CFR21,177.2600
EP7001O EP70 PC M5CA710 A25 B35 C32 EA14 F19
EP7004F EP70 FDA M4AA710 A13 B13 C12 EA14 F17
E7088 EP70 NSF61 M4AA710 A13 B13 C12 EA14 F17
EEP0708OP EP70 PC NSF61 M5CA710 A25 B35 C32 EA14 F19
EEP07083P EP70 PC M5CA710 A25 B35 C32 EA14 F19
EP0E7001P-WRC EP70 PC NSF61 & WARS M2CA710 A25 B35 C32 EA14 F19 Z=Elongation 150% min
EP0E7501 EP75 M2AA810 A14 B13 C12 EA14 F17 Z Z1:75+-5
EP0B7501UL EP75 Flame resistance 2BA710 A14 B13 C12 EA14 F19 Z1:UL94V0 Z2=75+/-5
EP8002 EP80 M4BA810 A14 B13 C12 EA14
EP8001O EP80PC M7CA810 A25 B35 C32 EA14
EP8055PC EP80 PC M5CA810A25B35C32EA14Z1:E% 100min
EP0B8001P EP80PC M3DA810 A26 B36 EA14 C12 F17
EP0B9001P EP90 PC EP90 PC NSF61